Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Journey to Overcome Spina Bifida with DDP Yoga

As it says in the title of this blog I was born with a disorder called Spina Bifida. I was also born with a disorder that often appears in tandem with Spina Bifida known as Hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus happens when excessive fluid amasses in the brain, mainly due to an obstruction that prevents fluid to drain properly ( I would have died the day I was born if it wasn't for the quick action of doctors and surgeons as they placed a ventricular shunt in my head that stopped the excessive flow of fluids in my brain. I still have that shunt actually, even though the average person has one replaced many times in their life and the first time is usually by the age of 15. For all I know I may hold some kind of world record in that regard. I probably should do some research on that actually.

But back to the Spina Bifida aspect and how it has effected me throughout my life.

When I was an infant, my parents were told there was a 50/50 chance that I would never even walk. And while it was later than most, I did learn to walk. But that original diagnosis followed me from childhood into adulthood. The words were repeated to me many times by many people:

"You're lucky to even be able to walk"

So for a very long time that was enough. Because of the overprotectiveness of those around me and my own fears of failure I never really challenged myself throughout my youth.

  • I never learned how to ride a bike
  • I never learned how to swim
  • I avoided roughhouse play
  • I received a doctors note to excuse myself from phys. ed. from middle school to high school (though I won't deny I also used it as an excuse to avoid showering with boys)
  • If lifting something heavy could be avoided I did
  • If climbing could be avoided I did
  • To this day I still do not have a drivers license
As I entered into adulthood; feeling "lucky to even be able to walk" was less satisfying every year that went buy. Continuing to go through life with the balance and coordination of a child and less than the physical strength of the average adult female was not something I wanted to do. But I still didn't act on these desires. My own fears of failure continued to haunt me.

I found myself in the right situation to finally act on those desires. My neurologist office is right next door to a physical therapy office. So one day I asked my neurologist about it and he wrote me up a script to begin physical therapy at the office next door.

The physical therapy office also had a driver service that picked patients up from their home which was perfect for me. During my time there I made great strides. Using the weight machines there I was able to lift 100lbs for the first time in my life and the main doctor there noted a significant increase in all aspects during my time there. It was perfect. Then one day I was told that my insurance would no longer pay for my visits and I was no longer allowed to do therapy there.

So I was left to figure something else out for myself. I went to a regular gym a few times with a friend and did pretty well for myself. But that wasn't meant to be the answer as our schedules conflicted too much to make it a regular thing. Due to the driving situation, going to a gym by myself wasn't a great option. Also, I figured that working out with weights without a spotter probably wasn't a great idea no matter how much I wanted to push myself.

I came to the conclusion that I needed to find something that I could do by myself at home. I toyed with the idea of getting a Bowflex but never made the purchase. Which is where DDP Yoga entered into the picture.

DDP Yoga is a yoga program developed by retired professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page (DDP). DDP began doing yoga as a way to treat a chronic back injury. He was skeptical at first but it worked wonders. That birthed the idea for a new fitness/Yoga program that was designed to be more "guy friendly" where he would modify traditional yoga moves and create some of his own. Over time his yoga program, that he would brand DDP Yoga, became friendly for men and women alike. DDP yoga went on to develop an incredible track record for helping people heal injuries, lose incredible amounts of weight, and simply accomplish fitness goals.

As I mentioned before I am a huge wrestling fan so obviously I knew who DDP was. I was aware of his program for years. Like many people I had also heard the story of Arthur, the disabled former Army paratrooper who made an astounding recovery by doing DDP Yoga. You can see that here:

But it was not the story of Arthur that finally inspired me to "Own My Life" with DDP Yoga. It was the story of another one of my wrestling idols Jake "The Snake" Roberts that finally did the trick.

At that point, I decided that if it can help Jake then it can probably help me. So I did my research and found out that DDP Yoga can be great for...

  • Improving core strength
  • Improving balance
  • Improving coordination
  • Improving range of motion
  • Improving posture
All of the things I need to do to become a stronger, better me. I know it is going to be a long, hard journey. But I am up to the challenge. And I have nothing to fear as I will not fail.

After all, people have been able to overcome greater obstacles than I have to "Own Their Life" with DDP Yoga.


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